Monday 8 December 2014

That Was Winter

Remember that time
Tearing around on my motor bike and hands freezing.
Feet tingling from the frost.
Get in the tractor and put the seat warmers on.
Sticky mud shifting the brakes.
Sheep running when the balage is coming.

That was winter.

Sunday 7 December 2014

Did you ever...

Did You Ever
Go Deer Shooting
Stags roaring
Frost crackling
Hands freezing
Stirling and dad stalking
Try it

Do you ever go sledding
Snow flying
mates laughing
going doubling
people rushing
I love it

Thursday 12 June 2014

Dispointing Cross Country

I woke up that morning and I said to my self "darn it".  That is because I had split my check open playing rugby the week before.

I got to school that morning and I was fine when I saw my mates Bond and Jimmy.  One hour and a half hours later. My friends where getting their uniforms on and now we are heading  to Edendale.
I say to my friends and everyone else good luck.

The five year olds are off. 10 minutes later here comes Jessica Dods.She is our family's and our next door neighbour.  1 hour later here comes Bondy go Bondy go!!!!And he's finished. Nice work Bondy.  Ten minutes later clap, clap, clap. Right that is quite disappointing that I could not run this year, but I'm coming for you next year boys.